Beneteau 42 Moorings

The delivery of ‘Double Scotch’ was a fantastic one with a great crew. Matthew Kotze, Dave Wright and Marcus Halbig.

We arrived in Split late the evening due to a delay in Zagreb. The next day after a thorough run through the systems we were happy to go. Checking out of Croatia can be tricky, a lot of paperwork and toing and froing! We managed to get out late the next evening into a typically Mediterranean conditions. Light Breeze and calm seas. Double Scotch a Beneteau 42  was lively enough however to make good speed nonetheless.

By morning the breeze had tailed off to nothing but a zephyr. So we got the engine and had again a very typical Mediterranean motorsail.

Keeping well clear of the Albanian coast, with the current issues of human trafficking their coastguard can be a little too interested in vessels passing through their waters.
We entered Greek waters at 11pm and continued South going West of Corfu to stay in fresh breeze. True to form we were approached and scrutinized under spotlight by the Greek Coastguard at about 3am. A tiny bit unnerving as there was no warning, just the roar of engines and a blinding light. They soon worked out we were harmless and left us charging South through the dark night.

We picked our way very carefully through the unbouyed lefkada canal and swing bridge. According to the chart we had water, but nonetheless regular upkeep is not reliable in Greece so caution is advised!

We arrived safely in Nidri on the island of Lefkas at 11pm. Safely tied up! Double Scotch still had some months before she would see her owner so we took extra care to make sure she was safe. All Sails rinsed, flaked and stowed. Bimini and covers the same.
We handed her over to the very friendly staff as arranged.


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