Thumbs Up Yachting is proud to announce the delivery of a Nautor Swan 78 from Milazzo, Sicily to Porto Petro, Mallorca. A mediterranean yacht delivery in Autumn can be interesting. Average wind and rainfall is at a yearly high. Add to this the Nautor Swan 78 with its incredible performance, it was a delivery that required focus at all times.

Things kicked off with a very tight departure of Milazzo. After measuring the gap we concluded there would be 1m eitherside. Only just about enough space for the fenders!

We set off, heading towards Sardinia getting to know the boat now she was out on the water. A decent 10kt tail wind and a flat sea saw us making pretty simple progress, with little traffic. the only real concern was keeping an eye out for unmarked fishing pots.

We anchored off a quiet beach in Sardinia, Cala Pira, just SE of Cagliari waiting for a low pressure to pass South of us. A wash and Shammy got the boat looking in perfect condition again.We were mindful of the fact we would be hnding over directly to the owner upon arrival. So keeping the boat ship shape was a must at every opportunity.

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